Dr. Wouter Dekoninck

(ORCID: 0000-0002-7065-7310) (PhD Biology 2008 Ugent) is Conservator of the Entomological Collections, and Senior Entomologist at RBINS. The personal scientific expertise of Wouter Dekoninck concerns taxonomy, faunistics and ecology of ants (Formicidae world-wide expertise), carabid beetles (Carabidae Western Europe expertise) and mosquitoes (Culicidae Western Europe expertise). During the last 20 years he accomplished an enormous collection for these groups during national and international expeditions and throughout collaborations world-wide. For ants he established a large collection of Ecuadorian and African ants for which a large amount of molecular data are available. His experience to link molecular and morphological identification to detect invasive ant species world-wide resulted in many publications on detections and the establishment of invasive ant species. Since 2012 he is the curator of one the largest European insect collections and has built an international network of scientists working on all known insect families.